zaterdag 8 november 2008

Off the road

Het blijkt dat we hier op een paar honderd meter wonen van de sterfplek van Jerry Garcia. Loop in Google Maps met de streetview-functie van ons huis naar 145 Tamal Road, waar zich de afkickkliniek bevindt waar Jerry, 53 jaar oud, in 1995 stierf.
Op de plek zelf is, althans in Google Maps, niets te zien. Vandaag zullen we naar de plek toegaan om er het onze van te halen.
(NB: Soms duurt het lang voor de streetview is ingeladen, dan zie je hieronder niets. Even wachten! Gebruik pijltjestoetsen om door de straatfoto te bewegen. Je kan ook omhoog kijken, gebruik daarvoor het wijshandje. Even wennen, maar wel leuk.)

Grotere kaart weergeven

Grotere kaart weergeven

Jerry died - Official news
From: John Heckler
Date: 9 Aug 1995 17:07:26 GMT
Organization: Mead Data Central, Dayton OH
Copyright 1995 Reuters, Limited Reuters

Jerry Garcia, the lead guitarist of veteran rock band the Grateful Dead, died of apparent natural causes Wednesday, the Marin County Sheriff's Office said.
Ken Frey, a detective at the sheriff's office, said Garcia was found dead at 4.23 am (723 EDT) by staff members at Serenity Knolls, a drug and alcohol treatment facility at Forest Knolls in California. Attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.
Garcia, 53, had suffered from diabetes and general ill health for several years.
An American cultural phenomenon for more than a quarter century, the Grateful Dead was one of the leading bands of San Francisco's 1960's flower power movement.
They extended their reach over the ensuing decades becoming one of the world's most popular draws on the concert circuit even though they rarely had hit albums.
The group was formed in 1966 and was one of the icons of the 60s and 70s. Jerry Garcia along with fellow guitarist Bob Weir, bass player Phil Lesh and drummer Bill Kreutzman were original members. Drummer Mickey Hart joined in 1967.
Garcia, born Jerome John Garcia in San Francisco in 1942, was the son a band leader. He dropped out of high school at 17 and worked as a salesman and teacher in California before forming the Warlocks rock group in 1965. The following year the Warlocks became the Grateful Dead.

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